Shannon Swearingen Gabriel
“Self-Portrait at Thirty-Three”
Forthcoming in Issue 10.
black fox Literary magazine
“Alive Girl”
Forthcoming in the Winter 2024 issue.
Forthcoming in the January/February 2025 issue.
Talking river review
“On the Way to Midway International Airport”
Forthcoming in Issue 57.
“Rememberโjust a mile west are the greenest fields, your emergency exit. / You can make your own peace.”
โfrom “Instructions for Staying Put,” Boats Against the Current Issue II
“Gaze out over the miles of rotting white fences / and desolate barns dotting your mothers’ lands / as the sun sets over your roots.”
โfrom “Lewis County,” samfiftyfour Issue X
“But the wildflowers were real, and even / in this merciless summer I know / I can still find what I’ve been searching for.”
โfrom “Holding On,” Thimble Literary Magazine Vol. 6 No. 4